Any terrorist attack on any US citizen or interest must be dealt with severely and swiftly. In the 1980s, Muammar Gadaffi bragged about his terrorist attacks on US citizens at an Italian airport. Then President Ronald Reagan sent a squadron of F-15 Tomcat fighters to take out his palace. Gadaffi got the message. No American lives were lost in the Libyan raid and Gadaffi was tamed. Afghanistan is a much more complicated situation because of the difficult terrain. But since when has America quit when things got tough. The original “shock and awe” by our intrepid military during the Bush administration was down graded to “awe shucks” by Presidents Obama and Biden. The embarrassing withdrawal left hundreds of billions of dollars of sophisticated weaponry in the hands of the Taliban terrorist organization. As it stands now, we spent 20 years and trillions of dollars in Afghanistan to replace the Taliban with the Taliban. If another terrorist country like Afghanistan attacks us again, we need to send an overwhelming force to subdue the population, weed out the bad guys, put the good guys in charge and then come home. This requires political will. We need to win it ASAP and get out ASAP. I believe that President Trump has that will. President Biden screwed it all up with his disastrous withdrawal. Now President Trump will have to fix it if he can. Probably too late to do anything more.