Words come easy. It is deeds that expose the window to the soul. In order to accurately evaluate a candidates positions and character, you need to research their actions not their words. My actions speak for themselves. The actions undertaken by me and my fellow taxpayer watchdog organizations across the country exposing the grifting of Billionsin education funding money are being written about in newspapers and blogs all over the country. If you do a Duck Duck Go search of my name you will get 20 pages of articles or references to my actions. There is no guess work about where I stand. My actions are consistent with my words. I am an unabashed supporter of our 1st Amendment rights. I’m willing to stand up to all those who seek to infringe upon them at great personal cost. The 1st Amendment is not first by chance. Our founding fathers knew that without freedom of speech all of our other freedoms would wither away. The recent targeting of President Trump with incessant lawfare by "The Deep State" because they did not like what he was saying was the epitome of lawfare designed to assault his 1st Amendment rights. President Trumps problems are part of the same problem I have encountered here in NH. Some of the very same people who went after Trump came after me for over 10 years. 25 court cases of State V Beloin. Like President Trump, I am undefeated. It all started small in 2012 and metasticized into full blown lawfare against Trump and I. I am running to tell Senators Shaheen and Hassan, that this has to end now! It's time for a change. Queen Shaheen and Princess Hassan need to answer the questions about what they know about these heinous recordings covered up by them as NH Governors and now as US Senators.