Protect our Military and those who have chosen to serve! This article talks about one of the measures taken, but we need to be sure to secure all of those promises made to our service members including healthcare, retirement, and services. It is the job of the people to stand behind our military and vote for government officials who will uphold the promises of the past and protect the future of our military. Watching out for individuals who have served in the US Military is a first step to a path of becoming a legal US Citizen. These brave individuals have laid down their lives to protect our great nation and it is our duty to support and protect them when they return home. While securing the borders is one step in repairing the immigration issues, we need to ensure that those who follow the correct procedures by "Doing the right thing" in working to become a citizen, get treated fairly. Military personnel willing to give all to preserve our freedoms are the perfect examples. The recent enactment of "Veterans Choice" program is a huge step in the right direction. No more long waiting lines to get care at a VA facility. No more waiting so long for appointments that the Veteran dies while awaiting live saving treatment. Thank you President Trump for getting done in your first term what I have been advocating for for over 20 years.