This is the same IRS tasked with enforcing the Obama UN-affordable Health Care Act. I believe that a national retail sales tax and tariffs on imports is the best substitute to our current tax code monstrosity. I find a national retail sales tax would be very simple to enact because all states already have a tax collection mechanism in place. No more IRS! No more filing income taxes! No more manipulation of the existing tax code by special interests. Businesses would simply tack on the national retail sales tax and transfer the collected taxes to the State and the State would then send a monthly check to Washington DC. That is the way it used to be in the 1800s during the industrial revolution. It can be that way again with the same results. Tariffs are easy to collect. Just plant an agent at each port of entry and tax the imports according to the value of the product on their cargo shipping manifest. When the obstacle of the huge national debt gets in the way, moving backwards is the best and fastest way to get ahead.