Free copy of "Menace To Society" with campaign contribution
A Lawtobiography
by Gerard Beloin
The True Story Of A Political Prisoner From The “Live Free Or Die” State Of New Hampshire.
They Did NOT Expect Me To Fight.
They NEVER Expected Me To Win.
On March 4th, 2019, all the links to my court records in this book, my server and website for my 2020 run for the US senate stopped working. My files on my Netfirms Webhosting company had been wiped clean. I spent a month with tech support from India to the Philippines to Arizona to Burlington, MA. No one was been able to figure out why. Fortunately, all my files were backed up. Recently, my domain name was hijacked. If the link does not work just replace the URL in the address bar with and the link will work. In March of 2020 and subsequent months, all of the info on my servers were repeatedly wiped clean forcing me to upload gigs of files back onto my servers on a slow high speed internet connection. My campaign website was flagged as a virus. Flagged as 404 not found. Flagged as pornography. Flagged as insecure website and on and on. One day it would work properly. The next it would not. Black Hat hackers had opened an account with Cloudflare under my name, e-mail and phone number. They used my e-mail and phone number for 2 step verification in the middle of the night and then deleted the emails and text messages to hide their tracks. They had complete control of my e-mails and my phone! THAT is sophisticated hacking!! When I attempted to access the account under my name I was denied. My identity had been stolen. It took days of tech support before I could regain control of my and domains and website. They were shotgunning my websites (campaign and business) all over the planet. My campaign e-mail stopped working. All of my campaign e-mail contacts collected since 2010 were wiped clean. The transmission went in my Ford Taurus just after I spent $2,000 on a new motor and complete reconditioning. The engine went in my Dodge Ram 1500 pick up truck. Another $3,000. My Lincoln Luxury Sports sedan with the license plate number B4SEN20 had soooo much water in the tank that I had to install a drain plug to drain the gallons of water out of it. There is no amount of dry gas that could have fixed that. These actions cost me thousands and weeks out of my campaign. I still placed 3rd with over 6,000 votes, all from word of mouth.
I refuse to be canceled.
I attended CPAC in February of 2024. Upon arriving at my hotel room in Washington DC my computer crashed. My campaign website was disabled. From February 20, 2024 to May 15, 2024 my campaign website was hacked, disabled and redirected 65 times. GoDaddy, my new web hosting provider documented every hack in detail. One tech support provider from the Philippines named Genesis figured it out. It was a plant on the inside of GoDaddy repeatedly disabling the links to my server. Once a track was placed on all of my website activity, the hacking stopped. What is it that my political opponents don't not want you to hear?? Maybe it's these legally wiretapped recordings! And my campaign website. Gerard Beloin For US Senate 2026 - January 25, 2025
In my opinion, Gerard Beloin has become the top cop in the State of NH by default, because out of fear, complacency or complicity, no politician or law enforcement agents in NH have had the balls to take “These Guys” on. He is a proven winner as a freedom fighter, a freedom fighter that this state and this country sorely needs currently in history.
This shocking real-life political murder mystery will keep you up reading all night long. This is a riveting story about how one blue blooded patriot taxpayer watchdog with one smart dog defeated the best and the brightest of organized crime in NH politics while exposing a multi-billion-dollar taxpayer rip off. It truly is organized crime in NH politics and beyond. “These Guys” all want Gerard and his dog to be dead and they are letting them know it. It is all caught on tape. They even went so far as to beat Kenny Boy with a dead porcupine zip tied to a bat! He barely survived. The real shock of this story is that no one in a position of legal authority, except for the anonymous tipsters (I understand their anonymity) are doing anything about it. The way Gerard not only survived but came out on top is amazing. Gerard is a man with brass balls and an untamed intellect. This book will make you cry, make you laugh and then make you angry that this can still happen in America today.
Who ordered the assassination of Gerard's political ally, liberal Goffstown School Board Chairman, Dr. Craig Hieber and put a hit contract out on Gerard? The question is not whether Dr. Hieber was assassinated or not? They admit to “getting rid of him because he knew what was going on.” They brag about how they assassinated him and others with poisonous gasses by “throwing gas bombs through windows when they can't get in.” Dr. Hieber died of ARDS, (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) symptoms consistent with being poisoned with gas. His widow, Attorney Sherry Hieber, sued the Catholic Medical Center, the CMC Emergency Room and the CMC Emergency Room Doctor, an Italian by the name of Dr. Thomas D'Aprix. According to her testimony, Dr. Hieber was getting better until he got to the CMC Emergency Room where “he could breathe in and out but could not get any air in.” That is a symptom of an odorless poisonous gas. The judge on that case, Judge Phillip Mangones, was in possession of the recordings while adjudicating her case. I'm going to use Gerard's apt nickname for him. Phillip “The Ignorant.” He is on the record of ruling that Dr. Hieber died “unexpectedly and mysteriously.” Isn't that usually the assessment when someone is assassinated? John “The Brain” Janigan, an admitted member of organized crime, stated that mobsters use hospital emergency rooms to launder the dead bodies of their targets because there is never a murder investigation when someone dies in a hospital emergency room. (page 5 and 6 lines 13 and 14 of official transcripts of the recordings) Out of the 250,000 deaths every year in US hospital emergency rooms, there are zero murder investigations. If you are a member of the mob, THAT is where you want your victim to die. Subpoenaed witness after subpoenaed witness with information helpful to Gerard or damaging to the State, have either died “unexpectedly and mysteriously” or disappeared!
This book names all the powerful agents for the State and beyond that knew of the recordings admitting to the political assassination of Dr. Hieber and hit contract on Gerard and did nothing or tried to cover it up. The most intriguing part of this page turner is not so much who assassinated Dr. Hieber as to who ordered the hit and who coordinated the admitted cover up. As you walk your way through his “lawtobography,” the unbelievable, backed by court records, videotapes and audiotapes, becomes believable, and the impossible is achieved. The author of this book has put together the most powerful expose of institutionalized political corruption working in concert with organized crime that I have ever read. It will stand the test of time as the benchmark for how to expose organized crime in politics. “These Guys” have become so powerful and arrogant, that it is just like the author states. “They have stopped pretending.” This book has made them start pretending again. Gerard has given them no other choice. As he states in his book, “They are now stuck between Gerard and a hard place.”
*This foreword was written by a Prominent NH Politician who is choosing to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation against his family, himself and his business.