"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt." ~ John Adams. In order to get the deficit under control the Federal Government needs to start spending like a drunken sailor. Why? Because when a drunken sailor runs out of money, he stops spending! The next morning he regrets his reckless spending ways and he doesn’t start spending again until he gets more money. The spending habits of our politicians in the DC Swamp are worse than those of a drunken sailor. Over the last 30 years, they spent our tax dollars recklessly on amoral spending sprees until they ran out of cash. Without taking time to sober up, they whipped out the taxpayers credit card and maxed it out. That still did not stop them. Over the past 30 years they have repeatedly voted to raise the debt limit on the credit card and charge it to the children and grandchildren of the cash strapped taxpayers who have not even started working yet. Our children born today come into this world $100,000 in debt. It’s now at $36 trillion and rising with no end in sight. There is no conscience in our elected officials. Republicans or Democrats. The problem is partly our fault because we voted them into office. Fortunately, we can vote them out and send representatives to Washington, DC that will tackle this 800 lb gorilla of spending that is threatening the future of this country. On November 5, 2024 we took a giant step in the right direction. We all need to expand on our win. Ronald Reagan said it best: “The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.” The taxes are out of control because the spending is out of control. When we get the spending under control, the taxes will go down, businesses will boom and tax revenues will go up.