I would like to see a school voucher program become the law of the land. Allow the parents to choose which school their children will attend and which teachers will teach their children. Bad teachers will disappear because the parents will have the decision making power to take their child to a different teacher. The average cost to educate a child in this country is approximately $11,000 per year. If a family has 5 school age children, that is $55,000 per year of buying power that the schools will be competing for. The current education monopoly will be broken. Everyone knows that monopolies deliver shoddy goods at higher prices. The education monopoly is no different. The Education Union lobbyists have so far been successful in thwarting the efforts of States that have voted in school choice with vouchers. This needs to be promoted and fast tracked into law. Why is it that the left says that it is imperative that a women has the right to choose whether to end the life of an unborn child or not, but denies that same women the right to choose where it’s surviving children will go to school? If $11,000 is the average cost per student, a class of 20 students would give a teacher $220,000 per year to work with. With that kind of money, a teacher could easily build a cozy, utilitarian one room school house for her class for around $70,000, buy all of the books she needs for another 3 to $4,000 per year, $3,000 per year for heat and maintenance and have enough money left over to give herself a $143,000 salary the first year! Much more is subsequent years. Where is all of the money currently being spent? It is being spent by school administrations,unions, waste, fraud and abuse. While politicians and educators nationwide are constantly asking for more Education Funding money, grifters are swindling it by the boatload.The politicians and educators battle cry for raising taxes is, "Let's do it for the children". The reality has been exposed. It's "Let's waste it, swindle it and then bill it to our children in the form of deficit spending." How about this for a novel approach. Let's cut the taxes and let the hard working families in this country use their money to educate their children as they see fit.