There is a right way and a wrong way for everything! What we need is clear and reasonable requirements that provide direction for becoming US citizens. We also need to ensure that those who are following the rules are not stepped on by those who choose not too.
A country is defined by it’s borders. For the last 4 years we did not have a well defined southern border. The illegal immigrants and drug smugglers were taking advantage of it. The part that is the most worrisome are the OTMs. (Other Than Mexicans) With a war on terror in progress it is unconscionable to allow the open border policy to continue. Who knows what is being sneaked across the border. The wall must be built. Thank God that President Trump is now in charge! There is an old joke that asks, “How do you sneak a nuclear bomb into the US? Just hide it inside a bail of marijuana!” Both the Republicans and the Democrats are at fault here. The Republicans want the illegal immigrants cheap labor and the Democrats want their votes. The old trope that Mericans won't do the back breaking farm work of picking our crops were not raised on the farm I grew up on. If the United States of America were and island continent like Australia and it was the only land mass on the planet, with no other third world countries to import cheap labor from, would the citizens of the United States of Australia starve because there was no cheap labor to pick our crops??? Of course not! The farm workers would demand a living wage and they would get it. Illegal immigrants are also sapping the welfare system with their anchor babies The law that grants automatic US citizenship to children of illegal aliens born on US soil is anachronistic and needs to be changed. It is currently being addressed by Trump. It allows the illegal aliens to game the American welfare system to their advantage at a cost of billions of dollars per year to the taxpayer. It is now being used as a tool to subvert the rule and intent of the law. As it stands now, a terrorist could legally gain access to this country by fathering an anchor baby and use his child's generous welfare benefits to avoid having to work for a living. He could then devote all of his time planning ways to harm Americans. The unintended consequences of that law were overlooked in the past because they were benign. That is no longer the case. The Boston Marathon bombers did exactly that. My father died in 2010 at 91 years old. He never mastered the English language. He came to this country legally with money in the bank. My mother said she married him for his money. In 1942, just a few years out of the great depression, he had $1,500 cash in the bank. He purchased hundreds of acres of fallow farm land and worked it back into production. He started a small business that created jobs. Jobs that are still in existence today. He never asked for one cent of assistance from the government. That is the type of immigrant that makes this country stronger. Today, millions of illegal immigrants crash across the border, drop anchor babies that then qualify for a plethora of government welfare programs. When the State of Arizona stepped in to fill the void left by the lax US border patrol, the Obama administration sued them to cease and desist. President Trump reversed the process and took it to a new level with the much needed border wall. President Biden destroyed all of President Trumps accomplishments on the border. Now, Trump is building the wall again. If the election in 2020 had not been stolen, the wall would be complete and illegal immigration would have been under controlled. Thankfully, we now have a law abiding American President in charge and illegal immigration has been reduced by 93%. The false claim by American businesses that immigrants are needed to fill the jobs that Americans won't do is the same line used prior to the civil war when the wealthy business owners said that ending slavery would devastate the American economy. Americans are very willing to do the backbreaking work of picking crops. They just refuse to work at the slave labor rates that these illegal immigrants work for. This depresses wages for all Americans across the board. In the early 1980s I worked as a lumberjack in northern NH. It was dangerous backbreaking work but I made at least $100 per day, ($300 in today's dollars) sometimes twice that. If the woods jobbers had paid me $50.00 per day, I would have quit. There are approximately 14 million illegal immigrants in the US today and approximately 14 million unemployed Americans. The illegal aliens do not qualify for unemployment benefits. How are they making a living?? They are taking the jobs from the American workers who are currently drawing unemployment benefits. Americans will do the work, they just won't work for the slave labor rates currently being paid by American businesses. Make it illegal to hire illegal aliens and they will self deport. Make the path to US Citizenship clear and attainable so that we strengthen America with responsible individuals like my parents who will help build a stronger United States. When this is done, all wages will rise organically without the need for wage laws.