Shaheen, Hassan, Kuster and Pappas have repeatedly voted to increase deficit spending with no concern for the exploding debt. Obama Care is one of the most prominent programs contributing to the national debt. I am against Obama Care. I believe that it is an excessive government intrusion where it does not belong. Even if I thought it was a good program, I would vote against it until we balanced the budget. Why is it that 535 elected officials in Washington DC, with nearly unlimited resources, can't seem to do what everyone of us with limited resources are able to do each month at our kitchen table. Balance our checkbooks. The health care bill needs to be repealed and replaced with Medical Saving Accounts. That will be a huge step in the right direction of eliminating deficit spending and eliminating our exploding national debt. We need to keep cutting from there. The progressives promises of lower insurance costs for everyone has turned out to not be true. It is just too big and too costly. The poisonous individual mandate has been repealed. That is one huge step in the right direction. The next step is to get the government out of health insurance altogether.